Indexed journals by H&T Publication

The following Journals are published under H&T Publication:

1- Computational Research Progress in Applied Science & Engineering: An International Journal (CRPASE)
CRPASE as international quarterly journal has start publishing since 2015; Based on the high interest of followers of our scientific manuscripts and our expert contributors, from now onward CRPASE contains five transactions to make the scientific work more effective. Each transaction contains a specific type of information according to the field of interests of our followers and contributors.
ISSN: 2423-4591
website: - Journal Archive

2- ENG Transactions
ENG Transactions (ISSN 2717-3127) is a journal of advances in all fields of interest in engineering, and is published continuously. This journal publishes original and high quality papers that have passed the double-blind peer-review procedure. There is no Article Processing Charge (APC) for publishing in ENG Transactions (the accepted papers will be published free of charge) and the papers are freely open access for readers and researchers. Rapid Peer-Review Process: Manuscripts will go through double-blind peer-review process and the first decision will be provided 15 days after submission. Researchers can submit their original research articles, review, short communications, letters and latest achievements across all areas of Engineering and their multidisciplinary applications.
ISSN: 2717-3127
website: Journal Archive